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Google Earth has begun updating images of Gaza
Dangerous drug-resistant bacteria are spreading in Ukraine
Hrvati - najveće pizde u galaksiji
Jel moguće da novinari izvjeste o požaru a da ne iskoriste izraz "vatrena stihija" barem dvaput?
'Your husband's being tortured, and it's your fault' - Families of Ukrainian PoWs are contacted by Russian agents
Što mislite o modelu 3x8 dnevno? Dakle, 8 sati rada, 8 sati odmora, 8 sati spavanja?
Trump traži da članice NATO-a izdvajaju 5 posto BDP-a na obranu. NATO odbio ideju
Coworking ZG zapad - iskustva? interes?
Koja mjesta za učenje znate u Zagrebu?
Injured North Korean soldier captured by Ukraine forces, says South Korea
Two Russian guided bombs hit Kherson cancer center, separate attack claims civilian life
Russian Missile Strike in Kyiv Damages Embassies of 6 Nations
GRADOVI PRIJE I POSLIJE: Prema zelenijem urbanizmu
Game Director Strongly Hints Gwent Will Be Present in the Witcher 4
Vejpanje u tramvaju
Russia's 'meat-grinder' tactics bring battlefield success - but at horrendous cost
Ozalj Castle, Croatia. Scene of the 1660s Zrinski-Frankopan conspiracy to overthrow the Habsburg Monarchy.
Zagreb upravo... Hitna ne može proći, a auti se ne mogu pomaknuti u stranu zbog stupića...
Romania presidential election - two candidates have filed requests to the Constitutional Court for annulment of the 1st round election results on grounds of fraud
What's going on with how if Trump really is going to basically dismantle democracy in the USA, the current government seems fine with just letting this happen?
U centru Zagreba otvorili još jednu biciklističku stazu, građani ljuti zbog parkinga, stručnjak kaže: ‘U SAD-u su to zabranili‘
Plenković objavio: Izbori su 29. prosinca!