More hammy portraits! I'd love to do some Halloween hammies soon⪩ •⩊• ⪨
An Old World Swallowtail I embroidered
Cottage-core style pet portraits! Commissions help me pay for exams ฅ(ᵔ꒳ ᵔマ.ᐟ [For Hire] {Price sheet included}
What are african pygmy dormice like as pets?
Peasants, kneel before me!
What's your piggy's favorite thing?
[hiring] Another grab bag commission!
Earthshine in Distress wins! Day 6 of Canvas Alphabet, what’s F?
Damselfish in Distress wins! Day 5 of Canvas Alphabet, what’s E?
krita layers tab dissapeared -please help urgent i am in the middle of a big project for someone
Cheapjack Gentlemen wins! Day 4 of Canvas Alphabet, what’s D?
Blood Stain wins! Day 3 of Canvas Alphabet, what’s C?
Atnomen wins! Day 2 of Canvas Alphabet, what’s B?
Day 1 of Canvas Alphabet, what’s A?
The back of my brothers guitar.
Why do i always get hated on and get down voted?
Some panels that I really am satisfied with from my last update~
i just got a weird commission and idk what to do.
How about..nOooooo
Art Challenge #13: How It Should've Ended(Results!)
[meta] false ads to weed out the bots?
Should I get a friend for Nacho?
40,000 Temp Workers!!
Thoughts on Unpopular Lore Olympus
[Paid Request] Venus of Willendorf with Flower Crown