Can you end an email to a teacher with さよなら?
I have 内定 but company won't send my 配属通知 before I get the answer for my visa.
How hard is it to get 6months visa renewal
Help! My cat has this disgusting bump on his head
wanting to move to Japan by 16/17
what to do if your dog massacres a huge rat?
Male cat is being sexually aggressive with smaller female cat, is there anything we can do?
My friend was introducing his kitten to his cat
How can I display my books individually with their covers?
Ragdoll Vet Seattle?
What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand? (Equestrian Edition)
What is something that, no matter how simply put, you still cannot understand?
Purebred Shiba Inu - Any Import or In-Japan Benefits with Full Pedigree Paperwork?
What the f*ck CAN I feed my cat? Urinary problems, allergy with Iams, losing my mind
my 12 week golden retriever got bitten in the neck, what do I do?
My (now ex) bf broke up with me and it's weirdly freeing...
why is my dog shaking?
My Cat has asthma, but is having negative reactions with new inhaler. Should i swap to orals or injected medication? Why is this happening?
How common is forced long-distance relocation at Japanese companies and how can I avoid it?
Question about Norovirus
Cat is in a low to ground position, butt in air, but neutered?
Re upload for better visual: rescue puppy hip/lower spine concerns
Does Japan like it if you have more or less kids when moving over?
Riding Style?
France: dressage lessons during holiday?
New 7 month old ragdoll kitten