What to upgrade first or any tactics? I concede so many goals every game. Div 3 btw
Thoughts ?
It's a cruel, cruel game
Is this team good enough for div 1 ?
Which one is the best?
Defending Corners broken
What is the weirdest Moment while playing darts, that happened to you?
First Daytona at 19 years old 🙏
Make it make sense.
Cristiano Ronaldo Icon Card Thoughts?
Franken Batman Project DONE! Everything Gen and came out to be 3/4 of retail price.
84x5 while crafting Potm Mbappe, do I continue
Grimaldo at LM?
TOTY has been fun. I run an RTG and being able to pull players like these is crazy to me
Started UT 3 days ago i assume this is a good card, right?
869 times for nothing.
Whats your best pull from the review packs?
I’ve been randomly redlisted
Ea need to patch again
It’s finally happening! New Clean Omega Speedmaster FOIS
why is no one talking about him
I shouldnt have purchased a precious metal rep.
Can anyone else confirm this regarding the plane crash?
What’s everyone’s team like before and after toty?