chat are we back???
What do we think about futures feature on lil baby’s new tape.
Did you know
How tf is future ranked below tyler for "hottest rappers 2024" like am I tweaking? This was literally future's year
Is anyone playing 3 atb in divisions
Thoughts On This Unrealistic Transfer
You can choose any one of them yourself. Big W.
Who started their Bayern career great but ended it okay?
In y'all's opinion, the most underrated thug album?
Weekly Megathread September 18, 2024
My top 100 future songs
What to do , anyone has the same issue
Calling out all 3CB players!!!
8/22 POTW
GP cards
Who's the one player you just cannot drop regardless of their rating?
Thoughts on this card
Number 7 Pack
D. Stojkovic & L. de la Fuente w/ Booster
What is this?
Why tf are people always crying about meta formations and tactics?
Can someone review and tell me is he good as winger or fullback
What your worst highest rate potw card.