after a week or two of struggling to find the remaining sugar axolotls 😭
which halo best matches my fit? i have 1.1m as a budget!
does anyone else dress like how they would've back in 2018??
someone explain this plz?? i dont follow adopt me news sorry if i sound like an idiot
It’s not selfish to lock your house
rate the trades i got for my puptunes! (first one is fullg)
i got a mega horse!! 🥺 i dont see many of these
someone got mad bc i put my house next to the hospital n locked it. did i do something wrong? they got me doubting 🙁
after 41 eggs 😪 i hatched a legendary
1/8 wants achieved !
w/f/l? plz im anxious 🙏
Has everyone elses luck been this bad???
cannot be the only one who hates these types of servers.
trading her :D MLF cute megas/ mega horse + add OR mega great pyrenees + add but other offers work too!
does anyone else name their pets after video game characters???? 😆
GUYS. beekeeper boots or save for bronze amulet???
i think my dad is into young girls
what do we think the value of the fbd (all variants) will be worth when the value stables? (along with the other new winter pets)
is this undecorated mermaid house with 2019 Christmas tree worth anything ?
LF Brown Spaniel
Did this trade but girl wanted to trade back. Am I wrong for saying no?
does anyone have offer for lil guy
i did it! shes beautiful
just wait until fbd goes up in value so hold on it might not guarantee but it looks preppy so idk