Full Remote Software Engineer, 130k€/year with 4 YOE + Interviewed at Meta, Google, Microsoft, Amazon, Palantir, AMA
مزلت نجم نبدل مركز الإقتراع
A Note to my six month younger self
How to learn by doing
Rant about IT job market - recruiter POV
New university
How to deal with fair?
Should I Work or Study?
Role based routing
What are the best way to organise a react project
Understanding Clerk for Role-Based Access in React
Clerk with react and express
Authentication with clerk
Seeking guidance scholarship disappointed
28M high libido, any suggestions ?
What do you think about the political situation in Tunisia?
Why you thought about killing yourself and what hold you back from doing it?
How many times you thought about killing yourself?
OAuth 2
Are you anxious, afraid and uncertain about your life?
Escort girl
Ts for backend
Backend with TS or js