What is the scariest lightning experience for you?
where to watch grammys for free
Have you ever lied about your age? If yes, why?
E! Red Carpet
Grammys 2025 first impressions
What is the most looked down upon group of people who have done nothing wrong?
Old School Ticket stubs from the Civic Coliseum, "No Doubt" at the Worlds Fair Park, and Thompson Boling arena. Prices on the right or bottom right.
Morning in the Hills of E TN
For those of you who hate talking on the phone, no matter who the recipient is, or what the call is about, can you explain why?
What if boys' d*cks would only get hard for the right person?
Clear View - DC Disaster.
The other new angle of the DCA crash
ASPCA commercial is making me depressed.
If you restarted your life from scratch, would you end up in the same place?
Air Crash in D.C.
My Ticket Stubs - Boston in 1977 for $7.00, KISS in '79 & '96. From Prince to Pearl Jam, Eddie Murphy !! Pavarotti, No Doubt. Note the prices $$.
Mt Washington Hourly / 12 below with a 50 mph wind.
Grand Canyon Park Cam - 8:30am. Yavapai Point looking northwest
What will happen to all previous climate data if the NOAA gets shut down?
Skyline Drive on a Beautiful Winter Day. Shenandoah National Park !
Carolina Blue skies on a Beautiful Winter day in the Mountains.
SloMo chunks in TN
Eaton Fire Street Cam
Peaceful Night TN