Am I crazy for believing GRRM about TWOW (spoilers extended)
Why do people act like tank-like mechs are the only ones around?
I am still not sure how to best go about combining two characters in one image
This game is great, but I am ready to be done. What super combination of units and equipment will let me plow through the rest of the game?
Something that bugs me about Akane's reception
Frustrations with the latter part of the manga
Ranking the main girls based on how much I like them. I'm a remake watcher only btw
Marvel Vs. Capcom Infinite & Beyond Launch Trailer
AI RP not working right...what am I doing wrong?
Why was Ron Goldman's family much more aggressive in pursuing legal action against OJ after the trial than Nicole's family?
Saw this cool Austin LAN party house in PCgamer, anyone been there?
I35 accident
Naked Woman on Hargrave/12th Street
Straight women, do you date bi men?
Crisis averted 2024-08-04
Brace yourselves, it’s August
Do yall see me crying in my car?
Any good anime with protagonist's who kill the bad guys?
Why is parking such a nightmare in the airport/lamar shopping center?
New Lot Size Would Allow Middle-Class Homeowners to Sell Their Backyards
How much should I ask for a signing bonus at new company for lost bonus/RSUs this year?
How do I get image generation to incorporate two distinct characters?
Underagedly 2024-04-05
The Supreme Court Just Gave Texas a Green Light to Harass Every Latino in the State
What have I missed from the monster core remastered