After 185 82x20 I give up
How many toty's did you pack so far
What did you pack a team of the year/icon/HM from?
Do playstyle+’s go to normal playstyles in evos if the player already has one?
I have my matchmaking set to solo opponents only and still playing co-op opponents, why?
What TOTY did you guys pack OR if you didn't which one do you want to pack?
This guy is a strange man
How do you guys even find joy in this game anymore?
Your age and Division in UT
How is this not a red card?
What character had EVERY REASON to be a crashout
Am I the only one who hates the new patch?
Tell me your Fav anime so I can ...
Awesome update
Is it worth it to do new Stones (Anticipate+) sbc to replace romero or thuram or should I save my fodder
Your best tradable pack pull of all time?
Ultimate Team Pack Giveaway
The prices of the totw players is getting insane
What have your icon pulls been this year?
Who for RCB?
What gold card is still top tier for you?
What do I do with 300k. £0 spent Im just so lucky
Just got WW son, how do I fit him on the team?
Why does this game turn my ps5 into a space heater?
Why are my quick match teammates better than competitive?