I worked for Robert Iler
I don't trust the YMCA
You have nothing to worry about
What does "Shall not be infringed" mean in the Second Amendment? Because clearly it can be infringed and I feel like the authors really weren't precise with their language.
I thought we could get a kick out of this
How valuable is a TS clearance in 2024?
Am I just fucked?
What does Sea Urchin taste like?
Does my chameleon hate me?
Male or female
Veiled chameleon walking around on ground
Veiled chameleon hasn't eaten in 2 days
Is it ok to have sex on 1st date?
I sleep better during the day??
I can never sleep when I want to and I fucking hate it
Good humidifiers.
Ball pythons aren't eating
Good misting systems
Good misting set ups?
Where to get a Sunbeam snake ethically?
Scored a 53 on the ASVAB. Any advice?
My Jewish roommate is telling me I'm not allowed to use the oven for my food in the apartment we BOTH pay for. He then calls me unreasonable for being upset and feeling disrespected because of it.
Will a Romanian bolt carrier and piston work in a Norinco RPK?
Baby savannah monitor buries itself