General opinion on upcoming Y9S1 patch notes?
Least toxic Hatz players
Would this be a RB? (Islander server.)
Herbi rules in semi realism suck
I'm getting tired of Wesker and his exploit.
Cannot wait to have all of these dinosaurs in JWE3
Can’t wait for shadows to flop and for honor getting sold
Zanhu is fucking stupid
Nobushi is a healthy and balanced character :)
Is it just me....
2v8 Rundate and more details
People playing duels and seemingly duels only are pathetic.
Average pvp server experience🤣🤣🤣
I know it's VG I'm sorry, but I love it.
If Astrea (Warmonger) dies I will be very upset
Y8S4 TU2 Patchnotes
8.5.0 PTB Patch Notes
got my first ever tattoo, thought it would be appreciated here💙
The life of a killer main
Best perk for The Legion?
Do we think they'll ever actually nerf Varangian?
Looking for Knight builds
4 man p100 squad, two hooks the whole game