radio/video wins! today’s the day.. BEST “S” SONG! most upvotes wins. attached is a list of all 19 S SONGS.
LOST IN HOLLYWOOD wins! best “m” song? most upvotes wins!
innervision comes out on top — best “j” song?
Which SOAD song differs the most from their style?
nice try cubert and chicnstu. but we all knew chop suey would win. best “d” song?
Unsurprisingly, BYOB won for “b”. Best “c” song?
ATWA wins for A! what’s the best “b” song? most upvoted comment wins
"The toxthithity of our thityyy, of our thityyyyyy!"
One Word
What is System of a Down's scariest song? Most upvoted comment gets added
Why are chop suey fans so hated on?
EverydayYour Opnion!: Every day we will hear your opinion about a SOAD song! Day 5: Spiders
What’s your favorite song from the Toxicity sessions?
What song is he listening to
Rename your favourite tøp song as a yt clickbait title.
Rename your favourite tøp song as a yt clickbait title. Have fun with it😉
I got self titled
What song?
Hypnotize and Self-titled have been replaced with their clean versions on spotify
I have achieved comedy
Mesmerize is the best SOAD album
Opinions on U-fig?
what song do you wish got a music video?