Sydney's dress
Sociopathic Narcissist
Thank God Eden and her friend came home on her weekend off
Dress game
“Strawberry outfit”
“ how do i neglect my babies” “ only one person says i do”
So Fran is now dairy free, gluten free, soy free and obviously vegan despite ABSOLUTELY NOBODY telling her to do all of this. Doing everything under the sun but taking them to a good goddamn doctor, my GOD you can’t make this up
This angle was not her friend
Hypocrite 🧐
“Not that I sleep”
She's insane 💀 "don't cry don't cry"
Lots to discuss - change their poopy diapers!!! p teething, L formula & he will be talking soon.
Formula ingredients
"snap chat will take this down because my boobs are out"
Here J goes again using Arlo for clicks
Newest post
Is it really that hard to strap them?
She’s Backkkkk