I gendered the states
no THIS is how you gender the states (plus europe as a bonus)
[KCD2] What happened to Pavlena?
Why do many small businesses start off with great revenue and then seem to crash and burn?
What Movie That Everyone Love Except For You?
Icelandic strongman Hafþór Björnsson trims his hair and beard ‘for a movie that he’s filming’
Which movie is that for you?
35m, uncut, straight, married, but wife rolls both ways sometimes
Brought a cafe in a small town… street appeal lacking
Take my million dollar idea and make it reality
If these prehistoric creature were discovered to be still alive,which one would have biggest impact on science & human society?
Canonically lawful good LL. Need an update.
Every group needs at least one of these! Can you guess who is who from Blood Meridian?
Smart people
If all Fargo characters went on Squid Game, who would come out on top?
What’s your Super Destroyer called?
I don’t fully understand the balance sheet
I knew Zombies can be pretty good, but I didn't think they could humiliate Arbaal so easily.
Terry Blacks BBQ Austin Texas $148. Pork ribs, brisket, turkey breast.
Who wins in a fight?
I need film to make a grown man cry.
Top Chain in YOUR state
Feedback to Total war dlc team: NO we dont care if Nagash is to OP for the game just add him in
Interstellar BBQ - Austin, TX ($198) - Recent Michelin Star recipient