CIN1 diagnosis, doctor recommends LEEP but I’m hoping to get pregnant this year (age 37)
Cleared HR HPV (CIN 1)
Got my biopsy results and I don’t have to be seen for another year!
CIN 1 and HPV 16 + Doc is giving me options
Need someone's opinion
Colposcopy question- random
NSFW photo of cervix. Probably Cancer? Or Definitely Cancer?
Cryosurgery didn’t work
HPV type
How many people permanently cleared High Risk HPV (especially 16, 18)?
Pap result
Colposcopy Biopsy CIN 1 - Success stories?
Had colposcopy, feeling anxious
Who in here has permanently cleared HPV 16 or 18?
I have my colposcopy procedure in a few days. Had a high risk strain
worsening at 3/4 months of having mono
Still positive EBV 7 weeks later
44 on IGM
CIN-1 what was your treatments options from the doctor?
Watch my tonsils grow from Mono
Can anyone explain this to me my results
Abnormal Pap, feeling very anxious
Hysterectomy opinions/experiences
Awaiting Colposcopy Results
Cin2 @ 35 years old. Dr wants to do leep but only if I’m done having kids…