Shopping for a sauna...some easy questions if ya can. Thanks ahead of time.
90 DF does NOT work with normal people - that would be boring
Ingrid is a Class Act!! And I can't say it enough
Read the room, Sir.
Loren needs to take his own advice
Sophie is horrible
In case you guys didn't know... Nutalie knows a lot about art.
Is this reasonable?
1d 7 h till 5x event est
90 day fiance last resort season 1
Before the 90 days - Rayne
Tigerlily Changing her Whole IG
Should I Sell ETH for XRP?
What's the best or easiest sport to bet and make money on?
Unlimited supply doesn't scare or deter anyone in the long term????
Advice needed! HODL or Propose?
New to group. Are more and more people doing Astral Projection?
I prayed to experience death and I believe I got it.
XRP is flipping king of meme ( doge ) and BTC
Coinbase, get your shit together
Take a vote who says were hitting $1 this year??
So is this movie any good? Is it worth watching?
Im done with this