Deposit hit 2/1
Filed January 16th accepted 22nd ? When should expect more movement ? No updates transcripts TaxSlayer
Filed: 1/21 Accepted 1/22 DD: 1/31
Neeed help file with freetaxusa and got got my refund code but no dd tdy why not
Early Pay Day
Hope everyone has a good first day back =D
Anyone receive their refund yet?
Monday Classes
Anyone got their direct deposit ?
Is this doable?
Last Finals Check-In!
Happy Holidays
Finals Routine: Eat Breakfast > Study > Eat Again > Bathroom > Lunch > Study > Exam
Finals Check In: How have your finals been?
What's your sleep schedule for a 23:00 to 07:00 weekend shift ?
Last day of classes
Marrying with an expired F-1 visa
Hyping up with this playlist for a short Sunday nightshift 18-02 ⤵️
How'd your Thanksgiving go?. This was mine
If you’re in the US, are you working Thanksgiving this year?
Grave/night shift RISE UP
Who else is working right now😭
Which shifts do you do more night or day?
For those who took longer than the standard 4 years, how long did it take?
Career services for grad students