RFK Jr. Proposed Different Vax Schedules for Black and White People. “Now we know that, you know, we should not be giving Black people the same vaccine schedule that’s given to Whites, because their immune system is better than ours,” Kennedy said.
Textbook racism
Update: lost AirPods case. It’s been here at this site for a while. So if you work there or near there can you reach out.
What’s something people think is hygienic, but you secretly think is kinda gross?
Choose wisely
Which song was your jam?
What caused your biggest depression in your life?
My bf refuses to buy me female products (pads) and now I’m upset..
Would you call what we did last night sex?
Writing on a old textbook
DAE brush their teeth to avoid eating dinner / limit your eating?
Do you see what I see
What's a normal activity that instantly becomes creepy when done at night?
What's something that people turn into their whole personality?
My Kids Love "My Name Is Earl;" What Other Sitcoms Would You Suggest?
Custom Table
What did you think people were exaggerating about until you experienced it yourself ?
DAE want to die every time they see someone beautiful?
If the person you hate the most were to experience one slight inconvenience every day for the rest of their lives, what would you choose it to be?
Mushroom on the shelf
DAE have nights where you can’t tell if you ever fall asleep or not?
Los Angeles Wildfires - The Solution:
“I gotta get a real headshot”
Bookcase, but that’s more of a girls name