This journalist pretends to be drunk to show how often women are sexually harassed
What is better - a male therapist or female therapist?
How do you control your climax during intercourse?
Men who started taking wellbeing seriously—what actually made you change?
[WTS] Credor GCAR977 – Bluer than Blue, “Ice Water” Dress Watch. Accurate to ±10 seconds per year
Men who actively lift, do you still get excited to go to the gym?
Ani se neohřál
This is Ethan Zuckerman. He is the inventor of pop-up adds and has apologised for unintentionally creating one of the worst forms of advertising and the "millions of hours lost to pop-up ads".
"overtipping" culture?
I have no idea what has caused this?!!
Finally got my setup done
Is this fine?
My first thoughts on the new Secondhand Mods SRPE case.
Tak už i Alza, věrná sloganu "Kratší cesta k lepšímu", začala používat AI v reklamách. Alzák by se měl bát o práci.
Před pár dny se tady řešilo žebrání o dýško ze strany eshopů. Přebíjím ještě mnohem absurdnějším případem.
Decals on raised areas
What's happening with the movement?
Tohle mi přijde jako úplně super “protest” na Muska.
Full video of the ledbydonkeys projection on the Tesla giga factory in Berlin.
“Driver” Watch
Cat, you're showing cotton
Has anyone ever came across this? The dial is all the way in the case, but there is a slight tolerance discrepancy. Anyone know how I can remedy this?
These things are great when needing to BOTH polish(white side) and create or touch up a brushed finish to your steel. I took a watch that had a polished bezel and sides and turned it into a nice brushed finish to match the bracelet. (See 2nd and 3rd pic) They work so good and are very cheap on AliX.
How much have you guys spent on seiko mods in total