i recently bought the gamesir g8 plus for cloud gaming on my phone, is it good or should i look for a better one?
72 hours
Trump ends aid to Ukraine
ok, what is REAL reason he didnt put his hand on the Bible?
Grateful to be a first time father.
Anyone using ParsecVDA always connected?
Anyone using parsecVDA always connected?
ParsecVDA always connected
No need for Dummy Plugs anymore! (Remote Desktop/Remote Gaming)
ParsecVDA - Always Connected
So, tell me about yourself
G8 plus with iPad mini 5
Who is he ?
This should be interesting
Strange looking/sounding "drone" over LA
Bought this 3D Printed perk machine for only $10!
Tips for helldads - megathread
HellDads. Join our Discord!
Must watch
A tic-tac UAP is filmed as it releases some type of gas or material into the air; filmed on a Navy helicopter FLiR camera in 2014
Saw this just south of Times Square