Now hear me out [Fluff]
[Fluff] I have 200000 UR. Ask me anything
I feel like battle cats is dictating inflation in real life [Fluff]
I'm so [fluff] ing lost
[Discussion] How would you improve the Cat God bossfight?
[Fluff] ing new unit idea
Them: What was your 1st normal cat true form? Me [Fluff]
[Fluff] the bothersome tangerine
[fan-made] filibuster obstructa
[Fluff] Wat does my card say bout me
Just for your reminder: Platinum tickets
How do you beat this stage? [fluff]
Imagine pornor made ad about their slot machines like those games, would you still download it? [Discussion]
[Fluff] How different would the game be if enemies didn't drop money?
Ain't no way some ppl gets Nanaho as a critter and i get this zombie ass mf
What cat did you display in your officer's club?
Why the [fluff] did I get 5k speed ups from Catclaw Dojo Rewards?!😭
[Discussion] how many verse can the battle cat verse win?
From the guy who got 2 Legend Rares on his first month of playing, here's what I pulled on my 3rd month. (No seedtracking) [Fluff]
[discussion] Do y'all ever cram Treasure Festivals or events like advent stages, xp stages, and catfruit stages?
Top comment decides to name Ururun's wolf [discussion]
[fluff] What's your User Rank?
[discussion] What's that one thing you've done you regret doing in The Battle Cats.
And this is 10 stars lvl?