Can someone please explain what a “smi” is??
Trouble changing CFW back to OFW on a Samsung Galaxy A51
Boot-loop issue with my Samsung Galaxy A51 CFW
Omg guys look what i’ve got
My Gf is on tinder while I’m at the ICU for my father. What do I do? 23m 23f
Did I do anything that deserved a quit out ?
Gaming PC part advice
Casual Gaming PC Build Advice
Looking for friends!
Tinder is wild
How can so many younger people afford expensive cars?
Invite Code Megathread #3
What is BlueSky actually like!?
[NFS Heat] Assist with online play trophies
Have EVs, IVs and Natures ruined anyone else’s casual enjoyment of Pokémon?
What you all think
I Have No Idea How I Did This
[PS4] Sunlight medal request!
Am I bad because of Coc?
[OC] You can talk to me and my son any time
How to get unmatched by a British guy 101
[PS4] Help with the Dragonlord
[PS4] Godskin Noble
[PS4] Iron Virgin Duo (Volcano Manor)
Play online games with a female friend on mic. I dare you.