lol WTF
AITA for not getting mad at my bf for not getting mad at a stranger smacking my butt?
AITA for embarrassing my boyfriend in front of his friends for not paying attention to me?
AITA for secretly outbidding my in-laws for a house on our block?
AITAH for Pulling Away from My Friend Group Without Explaining Why?
Aita for asking my sil to stay away from me until I discuss with my brother about their conception issues
Broke up w my bf because he used to body shame me.
r/AITA, for taking a step back from a friendship?
AITA for standing my ground?
AITAH for refusing to show my gf my ex’s tiktok username?
AITA for not letting my niece in law by a skincare product?
AITAH for not making time for my sister
Please help me walkthrough my feelings
I feel like The a hole
AITA for feeling that my girlfriend's immaturity is holding me back?
AITA for not lending my car to my friend who refuses to pay for the gas?
AITAH for refusing to speak to my brother after he attacked me
Am I the asshole for refusing to switch seats with a kid on a flight because I paid extra for mine?
Asking gf to not invite her cousin and best friend to our international trip?
AITAH for telling my boyfriend that if he doesn’t like what I’m making for dinner at my apartment he can get his own food or just not eat at my place?