The Best Case For No Shot From the Grassy Knoll: Emmett Hudson and J. Lee Mudd, the two people closest to the knoll during the assassination. Neither heard a shot from that location. See below.
The Nix Film
Question for those better educated about the JFK assassination than I am: Is it more widely assumed by assassination researchers (particularly conspiracy theorists) that SOMEONE—not necessarily LHO—or NO ONE shot from the southeastern-most sixth-floor window of the TSBDB on 11/22/63
Where did people say they saw smoke on the grassy knoll?
The FBI and Warren Commission could not identify who provided the initial suspect description of “slender white male about 30, 5’10, 165lbs”
Was Oswald an “excellent shot” (Gerald Posner) or a “very poor shot” (Oliver Stone)?
The Signalman in Dealey Plaza
How many US President's knew the truth behind the JFK assassination and refused to disclose it and why?
View from the Dal-Tex Building
Oswald's backyard photo
Jim Braden listens to a reporter interview Charles Brehm, while the Babushka Lady stands behind them
LHO getting the job at the TSBD
“Oswald Denies Killing Kennedy”, November 23, 1963
Have any presidents confessed to being seriously fearful of being assassinated?
The next Director of National Intelligence read JFK and the Unspeakable
What is this man’s name?
🎥1963 Railroad Worker Richard Dodd - Witness to the Assassination of President Kennedy In Color🌟
TSBD electricity cut off?
Oswald residences
NBC 5 Archive Collection | Assassination Aftermath in Dealey Plaza | Darnell Film
A Wilderness of Mirrors - Interview with James Angelton (1976)
Any evidence of a second shooter in Orville Nix film?
Thanks to Everyone
Oswald’s ‘Last Letter’ Still Puzzles FBI
White Smoke? What do you think was the cause?