The Wownoob - "If you could only pick 1 spec" results!!!

A couple of days ago I asked the subreddit if they could only pick 1 spec to main forever, in all forms of content through thick and thin, which would they pick? It was an innocent question but there were so many results and lovely answers that I felt bad not doing anything with all that data, so I have collated it for you!

Below is a graph showing the specs in order of most picked (total upvotes) and most times mentioned seperately. I know the system is not perfect obviously as people could upvote multiple specs but in theory if they're picking their favourite why would they?

Some fun additional facts to go along with the graph:

  • 636 total votes for specs
  • 3 Seperate Protection Warriors stated they chose Prot Warrior because they hate themselves.
  • Protection Pallies and Frost Mages apparently are popular, however do not like others who play their own spec and refused to upvote their fellow choosers but instead make their own post.
  • People who picked multiple were ignored due to the rules of the game.
  • 16 people said only a class and not a spec (and all apart from 2 were Hunters)
  • 3 people commented to let everyone know they could not pick.
  • Only ONE Spec in the entire game was not picked once.

You can find the full graph here!! Does the list of popularity meet your expectations? Any surprises? Does this track with a general theme of how many of each spec you see in game?