Getting Back Into WOW
Hey everyone,
So I have a long history with Wow that started in 2007. Anyway,
I started 1 week late in WW because I told myself it looked more of the same, boring content that DF was (I played maybe 2/mo of DF) but nonetheless I talked myself into subbing and buying the expac. I chose my Druid, and went tank (which was a blast) found a guild, raided heroic and pushed M+12/13 Got my 2000 rating the first week.
Not long after all of that I got incredibly bored. The game felt terribly gated with crests, Delves seemed to be over-rewarding for how brain dead easy they were. I said screw it and stopped playing - mid/late October. Less than a month after I started playing.
Well, here we are now in late Jan. And I’m thinking about playing again. I’m wondering if it was the class I chose or the guild I was in, I’m not sure. If I do play again, I plan to try Protection Paladin. Has WW gotten any better? Same old same old? Gating? Prot Paladins good/fun after the rework?
TL;DR: How does WW feel now as its aged a little bit?