A compilation of relevant lore facts about things in TWW.
So recently I made a flow chart explaining my theory that Beledar might be Azeroth's heart. Admittedly, it was more than a little bit of a stretch which u/Lothar0295 was quick (as usual) to point out. But he also pointed out that in making the chart I had brought a lot of lore facts into frame which sets a better picture for what might be going on.
So I decided to salvage that insane flow chart by compiling the questions I asked and facts I collected into a list to help everyone with their own theories. I also put my personal theories at the end.
What is the Coreway’s purpose?
What is Beledar?
Why is Beledar shifting?
What’s the connection between Beledar and azerite?
What is the Radiant Song?
What are the roots in Azj-Kahet?
Facts about the Coreway:
The titans constructed the Coreway.
The titans put great emphasis on protecting the Coreway when creating the edicts for the earthen in Khaz Algar.
A colossal construct was left behind by the titans to destroy the earthen of Khaz Algar should the edicts ever be broken.
There is no comparable failsafe against earthen independence at any other titan installation that we are aware of.
The Coreway is large enough to fit a keeper or possibly even a titan's avatar through.
The Coreway ends at an opening to Hallowfall which is where Beledar is located.
Facts about Beledar:
Blizzard confirmed Beledar is NOT the tip of Sargeras’ sword.
Before the first shift, Beledar only emitted holy energy.
The Light crystals created by Beledar are similar to Azerite.
When Beledar shifts it emits Void energy.
When Beledar shifted for the first time, the Arathi called it the "Day of Darkness".
The Day of Darkness happened at approximately the same time Sargeras' sword struck Azeroth.
Facts about the Radiant Song:
Azeroth has been sending out the Radiant Song to alert the world that she is in danger.
The Radiant Song can manifest physical recreations of Azeroth's memories that have the same coloration as Azerite.
The Radiant Song gets louder near Beledar.
Facts about shards of Light, the naaru, and Azerite:
Life in the universe began when shards of Light carrying the spark of life were scattered across reality.
World-souls were created from the spark of life carried by the shards of Light.
Naaru are created when shards of Light coalesce.
When naaru are damaged: They invert and become beings of Void called "void gods".
Azerite can be considered Azeroth's equivalent to blood.
Azerite feels similar to shards of naaru.
Facts about Azj-Kahet, world trees, and the Legend of Elune’Ahir:
There are large pools of old god blood in Azj-Kahet called "black blood".
The world trees Teldrassil and Andrassil were once used to spread the influence of the old gods. The latter was corrupted by the Saronite which is the blood of the old god Yogg-Saron.
There is a legend of a world tree called "Elun'Ahir" that was torn out of the earth by Aman'Thul.
The details of the Legend of Elune’Ahir are canonically disputed and it may not even be based on a true story.
Personal Theories:
The Coreway is probably much more important than other titan installations if it warrants such a drastic failsafe.
The titans might have built the Coreway so they or the keepers could go down and observe something personally. Possibly Beledar.
If the titans wanted to observe Beledar, then it might be vital to Azeroth's health.
Beledar could be shifting because it was damaged by Sargeras’ sword, similar to how naaru become void gods when they're damaged.
Beledar might be one of the shards of Light that creates a world-soul.
The roots in Azj-Kahet might be the roots of the mythical Elun'Ahir.
If the roots did belong Elun'Ahir and had been allowed to continue growing it could have been corrupted by the black blood similar to how Andrassil was corrupted by Saronite.
If the Legend of Elun’Ahir is based in truth and Aman'Thul did uproot Elun'Ahir, it may have actually been because it was in danger of being corrupted by the black blood. Also it may have been too close to Beledar.