I did something stupid…

So, I was queueing 2’s as a healer with randoms from LFG, and I’m kinda newer to PvP but we were just getting blown out of the water at like 1000 rating lol.

And after almost every game the guy was like “multi glads again, don’t worry about it” and I asked him how he knew that, and he turned me onto checkpvp lol and the add on for it.

Huge mistake, because now I’ve been queueing all night with my friend who is also newer to PvP and we’re like 5-50 for win/loss but I swear to you, I did checkpvp on every single match and the 5 we won were actual challenger rated players, and the 45 we lost ALL had at least one of them being either a current season gladiator or at most from last xpac lol.

Every single one 😂 I was happier not knowing, but now that I do know, it’s got me wondering if it’s even worth playing that bracket or is it really just for the pros to practice on or whatever they’re doing? Blitz is okay, but I like the smaller arenas, but I wanna play with my friend so I cant do shuffle. Am I better off just playing around in skrims until there’s more player next season or something? I don’t feel like I’m learning much from these insta-loss games with professional players lol