Jesus vs. Goku: The Rematch (All this personal thought analysis IS the setup)

Bear with my rambling, Let me take you on a journey.
So, at first I was like Jesus vs. Goku. But then I was like Gohan and Chichi vs Jesus and Mary, which would potentially be more interesting (but that's a whole other essay probably).

But the idea of Goku vs. Jesus kept coming back.
First I need to lay some bare minimum Jesus "scaling." He can transmute stuff. Seems like it has to transform into something of about the same volume or shape though. Sticks to snakes to sticks. Water to wine to blood and back again, probably flesh to stone. And if something is in a form he can multiply it. And he can cure the blind and lepers which assumes he could also blind and wound... like Houkuto Shinken.

Goku is a supersaiyan god, but Jesus is a superhuman god... so... I actually assume that's kind of even.

Point is, Jesus isn't really a fighter. But if they were to meet. Goku would instantly recognize Jesus's strength and want to fight him. (Also if anyone is just going to say Jesus is wayy wayyy weaker, Goku fights weak people who are strong ALL THE TIME when he thinks they are interesting, and he adjusts his strength accordingly) Jesus would not understand, until he realized the only way Goku could "know him" is if they fought. And in the sparring match that would ensue, I think Jesus would have a lot of fun because Jesus would learn how Goku thinks fighting is love. So they would laugh and fight and I think Jesus would really keep up, and it would get extremely intense.

Goku, of course, would probably win. Jesus would admit loss, he is afterall, not really a fighter. At some point when both were exhausted. Jesus would declare himself the loser of the match.

However, what I think would also occur, is that Jesus would catch the "Goku disease" that everyone who fights Goku catches. Goku would say "this was fun, and we should get stronger and do this again sometime," and Jesus....

WOULD GET HYPE and probably seriously train for that. Because Jesus loves when people love him. And he would understand that Goku meant love by this.

So what I'm more interested in is Goku vs. Jesus "The Rematch," because that is where I actually don't know what would happen.