Missed Quantum Computing? UFO/alien narrative may be next


UFO mania has been going mainstream: coverage in influential podcasts, Congressional hearings, national news headlines. Just skim through this recent podcast with alleged whistleblowers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1U7F8MULenA and the Congressional hearings https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MFgXUXeGh6g . Checkout r/UFOs. For better or worse, people take this stuff seriously.

I think it's all BS, but that makes it all the more effective for moving human attention and capital. Say I watch one of these videos and convince myself UFOs are real, the next thing I would want to decide is how make money off my exclusive knowledge. The natural next step is to ask what stocks are involved in alien technology R&D.

This is the crux of why I believe alien technology could become one of the next major investment narratives like crypto and quantum computing. If someone were predisposed to believe this stuff, I can see them making large financial investments based on those beliefs.

From other people's internet research, AMTM and SAIC stand out as plausibly linked to the UFO technology narrative. Of the two, AMTM has the more concentrated portfolio around UAP-associated government projects. The company also has reasonable fundamentals with an extensive contract backlog that could insulate the company from the worst of a bear market.

Reddit writeups on the UFO project history from u/StillChillTrill


Linking Ammentum to Pacific Architects & Engineers and by extension the early history of alleged UFO projects


Recent Substack writeup on AMTM investment thesis from fintwit thought leader Aurelius Value


These are long write-ups with many links leading down a deep rabbit hole. Personally I don't take the notion of UFO tech seriously, but have seen enough to believe that this is a topic that many (intelligent) people are genuinely passionate about, not unlike crypto.

I see some parallels to the crypto movement, in that UFO tech receive further attention and spending from the incoming Administration given the interest some key members and the public have expressed in the topic.

If a UFO/alien tech narrative does materialize, this would be an extremely small sector of plausible UFO stocks. In which case I believe this could produce an effect similar to what we saw with quantum computing stocks, causing a handful of publicly traded tickers to see outsized movements (even if the fundamentals are BS).

For the narrative upside, I am long AMTM.
