After a 1+ year hiatus, I am struggling to remember finger placement

I'm putting this under the "learning" category because it's more like "relearning". For about a year and some change, I was learning the violin and did pretty well under a tutor. However, life got in the way and I had to put aside. Yesterday, I had the violin itself restrung and am trying to get back into it.

I've been refreshing on some basics from the Suzuki series, and the songs are coming back pretty quickly. My positioning and all that is good; I've been good at using my ears and muscle memory. The reading of the music was a bit of a wall for the first hour, but I think it's coming back as I tie the right sounds to the notes themselves.

However, one thing that I'm struggling with is recalling my finger placements. It's worse when I start getting into sounds that have high/low notes and different "shortcuts" (3rd finger up or down, 4th finger, etc). I'm basically novice so we never got to anything particularly advanced or even intermediate, but these were skills I knew at one point.

We used tapes for a while, but eventually I weened off of them -- my teacher and I felt it was for the best, but of course I haven't touched it in a while and so I'm struggling as I try to recreate the sounds of the sounds I know so I can start learning again. I'm reading the music right, but it seems like I'm just not super precise. Does anyone have any suggestions on how I can pick this part of violining up again?