something I noticed about pretty privilege with women of color
this might seem obvious but something I noticed about non-white people with pretty privilege is that they’re all thin with an amazing body. unfortunately society is fatphobic in general, as well as racist, so if you’re not white AND not slim then most people will ignore you or not view you as pretty.
this is just anecdotal but I’ve noticed in university as well as in the workplace that POC who don’t have an amazing body figure just get ignored or treated as less than their white and/or skinny coworkers. obviously it’s a hard pill to swallow because I know it’s hard to lose weight, but I recently started dieting and although I haven’t reached my goal weight yet, the difference between how I used to get treated vs how I get treated now is insane.
I’ve noticed this with so many non-white people, no matter what race they are, the ones who get lots of positive attention and pretty privilege are the ones who frequently exercise/diet and actually take care of their body.
I feel like it’s hard to talk about this because it’s not easy to tell people that they need to lose weight but honestly it’s very rare for fat people, especially fat POC to be treated well in society. obviously it’s important to lose weight in a healthy way and in a way that is comfortable for you, but I can’t stand it when people try to preach about “body positivity” and “loving yourself the way you are”. in my experience, body positivity is a fucking scam. people undeniably treat you better when you’re skinnier.