Need advice on how to play Zed matchup

I fucking hate it.

I feel like I forget how to position properly the moment they lock in Zed. I try to punish him lvl 1 and 2, but as soon as he reaches 3 he can stand in fornt of his minions, and if I dare to think about farming he uses W, double Q and E on me. BAM, I lost 50% of my hp bar. And that's still tolerable part, the real pain begins after he recalls with his 1100g full build item and one WQ is enough for him to all in me if I leave turret. Or if I don't, he just runs bot and takes double kill despite my pings. I can try to rush Seeker's Armguard but it feels like I delay my powerspikes way too much that way.

I'd permaban him, but than there is Kassadin, and I ain't going against that shit again. Please give some piece of advice to this poor silver Viktor main.