I’m the only vegan at my veterinary job.
I need to vent to likeminded individuals.
I work at a veterinary hospital and am the only vegan person on staff. We treat more than just dogs and cats, our clientele includes bunnies, reptiles, birds, small mammals and more! I find it so mind boggling that my coworkers are able to “love” and “care” for animals while also happily eating them. It’s disappointing to see the lack of cognitive dissonance. My coworkers will literally save someone’s pet chicken from illness, cuddle it, and then turn around and order chic-fil-a for lunch. I’m frustrated and sad. I do understand why they are the way that they are, but I’m still bothered by it. How can you love only some animals and actively participate in the exploitation of others?! In my mind, a true animal lover wouldn’t consume animal products. My coworkers and I all love animals, it’s the driving force behind why we work in the veterinary field, but sometimes I feel so alone being the only vegan amongst a large group of omnivores.