What's wrong with screwed connectors/chocolate block?

Hi guys, I have possibly a stupid question that I was wondering if anyone knew the possibly simple answer to. I am a marine electrical apprentice and so far I have only used chocolate block or through crimps for connecting cables together, I have never as of yet used WAGOs or anything similar but have watched a a fair amount of domestic electrical videos and the general consensus seems to be that the use of chocolate block isn't advisable over a WAGO. But besides maybe the comparative slightly better ease of use of the WAGO and the lower risk of core damage or high impedance by over (or under) tightening (which for any spark who knows what they are doing shouldn't be an issue), I can't really see what difference it makes? It seems to me also chocolate block is more convenient for testing/breaking down the circuit for fault finding because it can be done without disconnecting anything. Am I missing something obvious?