my journey and how i’m doing it
my journey and how i’m doing it
I am 20 year old (f) and have been struggling with pulling since I was 14. I’ve gone through many phases where it gets worse sometimes and better others. recently i’ve had the most hair on my brows and lashes than i have in a really long time and i’m really proud of myself and wanted to share. in the picture i attached i had some hair on my brows, but most times i would have none at all. i’ve tried seemingly everything, ive worn gloves, worn acrylic nails, put a headband over my eyebrows, everything i could think of to stop myself. but when im depressed (often) i don’t really have enough motivation to consciously stop myself from pulling. my depression has not improved, it has actually gotten worse, but i have found happiness in the fact that i have been able to pull less. i do still struggle with it, i pull a few times a week but not enough to be incredibly noticeable. what has helped me has been to cut my nails so short that it’s basically impossible to pull. i’ve also thrown out all of my tweezers or anything else that i use. i file my nails twice a day now. i file them as short as they can be until it starts hurting. it’s the only thing that has ever worked for me so i thought id share. whenever i have the urge to pull, or if i do start pulling and im able to stop, i redirect myself by filing my nails. i’ve always felt like i would never be able to grow them back, and im really proud that i did (even if im not able to keep them forever). i just wanted to say that i believe all of you guys can do it too if that’s your goal. i know it can be an insecurity (it has been my biggest for years) but we are all still beautiful without our hair