Scared out of my mind.

Hubs has had his new kidney for coming up on 2-years. We were part of the paired exchange program. Well he went to visit family and now has norovirus. I did not go because there are 3 little ones in the home and I just feel like it’s too risky to be in close quarters. Well come to find out the entire household had it by the time he arrived. He’s now been admitted to hospital and his kidney function went from stable 1.3 to a 4.5. He’s over 2,000 miles away and I can’t help or risk getting sick and taxing my one remaining kidney. Please, please be well everyone, there so much junk going around. It’s easy to forget a transplant recipient is still immunocompromised. Not saying stop living at all, just to be aware and ok with saying no thanks to high risk situations ❤️. Admittedly, I have mixed emotions, THEY knew and HE knew they were all sick, yet he took his chances anyway with my gift to him. I think he should have flown right home when he found out but instead stayed and spent 5 days with them. I’m getting more mad the more i go on.. Gonna call a professional tomorrow to help me process this!