TW:R2 Do skills on politicians affect provinces, or only when they're generals/admirals?
I've tried to dig this up everywhere online. I'm just getting into Rome 2 and trying to wrap my head around politicians. I think I have politics figured out except for wondering if skills and traits of politicians not on the map affect the corresponding political party's provinces.
For example, if I have a Politician with Humanitas that increases growth and public order by +1 (local province), will that only take affect when he's leading an army and standing in the province, or if he's replaced as general and becomes politician, will his +1 effects apply to the province affiliated with my political party?
Best guess: since a party can influence more than one province and, if you think about it, the politicians are sitting around in Rome, so I'd assume the bonuses don't then apply when they're not generals/admirals?