[PC-Flash Game][2000-2010] Puzzle/Platformer where you play as a Ladybug, collecting raspberries. If you run into other bugs they would eat you. (+drawing from memory included)

Platform(s): PC, Flash Game

Genre: 2D Side scroller platformer/puzzle game. not sure if it was point and click, or keyboard controlled.

Estimated year of release: Late 2000s or Early 2010s.

Graphics/art style: The game had a cartoony art style, sort of like vector art. There were platforms and boxes made of wood in front of a painted sky background. The characters were cartoony bugs, not too detailed. The background had a painted, more detailed style to it. It was a landscape, maybe with trees at the bottom that gradually disappeared as you climbed upwards.

Notable characters: The main character was a red Ladybug standing on two legs. The enemies in the game were black/grey cockroaches or ants, also standing on two legs. The ladybug had a soft roundish shape while the enemies were more squareish with scary looking faces.

Notable gameplay mechanics: There were wooden structures and boxes up in the sky that you had to navigate through. I don't remember if you had to solve puzzles with them, or simply platform your way up. There was a raspberry at the end of the levels and you won by eating it. In later levels the enemies appeared, and if they caught the raspberry or the player character they would grab and eat both (in a somewhat graphic way for 10 year old me, no blood, just surprising and upsetting the first few times). There were probably around 20 levels, and as you progressed the background would change. It would go from a blueish daytime to orange as the sun set and dark blue at night with stars in the sky.

Other details: When the time of day changed, the shading of the game would change too, which really stuck with me for being so atmospheric. for example, at night the characters and items had a blueish tint to them. The enemies eating the main character is also what's really stuck in my head, probably because it scared me as a kid. The game wasn't too long, i think i completed it in a day or two. The game probably wasn't too hard because i don't really remember struggling with it.
i made a few drawings from memory, hopefully it will help someone find it :>