What you think about Spear “meta”?
Hey there guys! I kinda like to mix things up since i get bored of playing the same thing over and over. So, currently im main liberator almost full skills and 2 sets (PvE/pvp), also upgrading crossbow/dagger skills and masterys since i like the LB-xbow sinergy for bosses and daggers are just great with any weapon you pair it, got aswell weapons full and sets.
So heres the deal, i got an alt that has spear-dagger-Bow-GS and xbow (no staff), since its an alt im just testing builds and having fun with it, just got the weapons maxed and semi geared. The thing is, so far in finding spear really OP, either in PvE and PVP, at least using it with daggers, gotta test with Bow and GS as Well. So i have been thinking over and over if it would be worth to add spear on my main as well, i know most of you will say “go for it, you got 4 weapons already so one more wth”, but tbh im literally feeling that having 4 weapons is slowing me down into getting maxed out ofc XD.
Thing i was wondering is:
1) PvE wise it would be better than a Bow-Staff? Than a Xbow-Dagger? Or Bow-Xbow? 2) for sure in small scale it will be better than any of the previous combinations i guess, but what about GvG or mid-big scale pvp? I was thinking that maybe bow-spear would be pretty OP in it? But better than Bow-staff?
What you guys think of it, is Spear getting meta? Heard in GvG its S tier?