Question about Redemption of Time

Hey, so I'm aware of the debate around whether or not it's cannon and weather or not it's worth to read.

I decided to give it a go I see what people mean when they said it "takes the Dark out of the Dark Forest".

Either way, I want to check with some others if I'm just misunderstanding something or if an aspect wasn't very well thought through by the author.

Spoilers for the first half of Redemption of Time.

So, it's revealed in this book that the Tri Solarians never really managed to grasp deception, and all of the deceptive tactics used were actually Yun Tianming after he agreed to help them conquer Earth on the condition they have the reservations in Australia.

He then proceeded to explain how he wrote loads of screenplays which were then passed off as Tri Solarian, and many times he tried to warn Humanity through these screenplays.

It then goes onto describe how because the Tri Solarians just weren't picking up on the hints in the screenplays, he got ballsy and decided to just write a space operah outlining the exact plan they had for Earth which also wasn't picked up by the Tri Solarians (or Humanity for that matter).

So, my question is. Given this, why in God's name did Yun Tianming hide the meanings of the Fairy Tales behind layers and layers of metapho that even Humans couldn't make heads normally tails of for the most part? Knowing that even a Star Wars esque sci-fi movie detailing their exact plans went over their heads?

I'm wondering if I'm missing something, or if it is just as simple as the author didn't really think about it/care?

Either way, it was still interesting to see another authors take on the universe of the books.