I’ve decided to quit smoking weed

I’ve been smoking every night for probably the last year and a half. I took a 2 month T-break from mid January to mid March this year, but then started smoking again every night almost immediately. I am now quitting, or at least taking a very long T-break. I never thought of myself as addicted to it until just now after being only 2 days sober, each night is a struggle for me. I can’t sleep, can’t focus, I’m very irritated, and just 5 minutes I ago poured myself a double r&c to help with it. Obviously I can’t just use alcohol to remedy my weed addiction, or i’m just going to grow up to be an alcoholic. Is there anyone else who quit or is trying to quit weed, or even in a similar situation as me struggling with addiction, who found something that was able to keep their mind off it? I need help. I’m trying not to relapse but it honestly may happen. Thanks!