Who in the company should handle link updates within a website
Hi everyone, I have a question: who in the company should handle link updates, fixing 404 errors, and similar tasks?
Here are some scenarios:
- A service stops supporting an integration, so the instructions become outdated and need to be removed.
- An article needs to be moved to another category. In these cases, deleting or moving the content creates a 404 error at the old link.
The process usually involves scanning the site, identifying where the link was used, and removing it. Most of these links are in technical areas, like menus or associations, not just in the content of other articles.
To avoid 404 errors, we add a redirect. After that, someone should perform a second scan to confirm that there are no more references, especially in search engines. Only then can the redirect can be removed.
SEO specialists often send over files full of data that include links, but it’s up to the writer to figure out what’s relevant and what isn’t. Writers are also expected to fix these issues. I get fixing links in documentation articles, but why are writers responsible for fixing links in menus or other non-content areas?
Then someone has to follow up to make sure a second scan is done and request another task from the developers to remove the redirect.
Should this be handled by the technical writers, the website team, the content team, the SEO team, or is it a shared responsibility? Sometimes it feels like a game of hot potato that everyone keeps passing around. 👀