How to deal with being jealous of people who are Software Developers?


A couple of my friends are developers and every time we meet up they brag to me about how awesome it is to work in Software.

They talked to me about their salaries and they literally make 2x more than me right out of college.

We spoke about stress and theirs compared to mine seemed to be very little. If I make a mistake I got into full beg for forgiveness mode because it directly costs my company money. They on the other hand seem to take it way more lightly.

They also have full WFH while for me it's only 2 days a week at my current job.

I tried CS some years ago but to be honest I was not smart/persistent enough to succeed there. I ended up in Supply Chain accidentally.

I'm doing ok by my own standards, but I can't help but feel jealous of them.

I feel inferior to engineers and other STEM professionals.