Deciding on a new Coffee machine.

Hey, I've finally had enough of my Capsule coffee machine (Tschibo Easy), so we've decided to finally upgrade to a superautomatic machine.

We don't have a lot of counter space - hence the capsule machine until now.

So far, we've narrowed it down to the:

De'Longhi Magnifica S ECAM11.112.B and Krups EA8108

But it doesn't hurt to check with you guys if you have some other recommendations from any different brands. We did look at Phillips and Gaggia machines, but got turned away by the ammount of mid-to low reviews on Amazon.

Our budget is between 200-350eur (note we're buying it via Amazon Business, so VAT is excluded).

Edit: We're in the European region and our preferred drink is espresso or Lungo. But we also like the option of adding pre-ground decaf coffee for the late night drink.