Thoughts? SD renegotiating…

Hi!! So I’ve been talking to a POT, agreed on allowance and terms quickly, arranged a M&G that turned into dinner that went well.

For context… I gave an allowance range and a minimum ppm, offered to start at ppm to get to know one another. At our M&G he offered to start allowance right away if I went back with him. I politely declined but said I’d love to plan something soon, which we did.

Day of we’re texting, I make sure we’re still on the same page and say that I’d like us to take care of the allowance when I arrived, he agreed. All is well. I show up we get a drink, we’re chatting and he asks about my ppm and I say I thought you wanted to go ahead with the allowance, and then he starts haggling. He jokes if he went with the “higher end allowance it equals multiple visits a week, right?” I say not every week, but if you’re taking care of me of course I’ll take care of you. He says ok, ok, once a week x,xxx allowance and says but you have to come again tomorrow as he sends the allowance. He used cashapp which I had said fine to (yes I know this was probably stupid) but I felt trapped and said ok. Then the date continues as planned.

But now… I taken advantage of… he threw that in at the last minute, didn’t really leave me room to say anything, AND with the lower allowance that I specifically said one date a week for. So now I’m torn… do I go today and then next week tell him we had two dates last week, or wait until later in our month? Do I bring it up today and tell him I feel like he took advantage of me and I’m uncomfortable?

I should note that today he’s asking me to just show up for intimacy, no date.

What should I do?