Small victory: Hung out with someone drinking
I was at my friend's place today and she very politely asked if I'd mind if she drank. I said it was fine (and I meant it!). I'll admit, there was a moment there were I wanted one. And sure, maybe I stared at her glass a little longer than one should, like when you see someone really fit at the gym. But to be honest - the desire really felt more intellectual or habitual than anything. I wasn't white knuckling it, and it wasn't hard for me not to join her. It felt more like, this is what my brain is used to. Or maybe it felt like when you pick up an item at a store and examine it even though you know you're not going to buy it.
Anyway, just a random small victory that I'm excited about this Saturday and didn't want to clutter the dci with it. I(definitely)wndwyt!