Day 500!!

I’ve officially made it 500 days ALCOHOL FREE!!!

I realize that every day I stay away from alcohol is worth celebrating and I need to start celebrating or at least truly acknowledging these wins in a real way more often so that I spend just as much if not more energy on the positive strides and my strength as I tend to spend worrying about my missteps, anxiety, and shortcomings. So Today is that day I say HOORAY self - I’m so very proud of you! See, you can and are doing hard and scary things. Chin up, pause and be proud for a moment before moving on, at least this once - so that’s why I’m taking a moment to share my milestone here!

This hasn’t been anywhere close to easy, and I’m taking each day one at a time, sometimes hour by hour, but any step is a great step.

To those who are starting, congrats and keep going! Be so very kind to yourselves. We can do this! I appreciate this group so much!