27 of January 2025 - Mutation #458: Blast from the Past
Mutation #458: Blast from the Past / Map: Temple of the Past
Mutators: Eminent Domain, Mutually Assured Destruction
Eminent Domain
Enemies gain control of your structures after destroying them.
Destroyed structures have their life and shields fully restored.
Units in bunkers are captured as well.
Nydus Worms or Uprooted Infested Bunkers can't be stolen.
Stetellites won't be stolen, but they will be permanently destroyed on their second death.
Tesseract Projections will get stolen, but they have timed life. Original Tesseract Cannons/Monoliths are unaffected.
Flying terran structures will get stolen, but AI won't land them.
Stolen structures will try to produce units (random campaign units).
Structures won't be stolen if the they are killed by player units. But letting your structures to burn down is still a way to create walls.
A structure won't be stolen if it would block Amon from accessing player spawn location.
Enemy will take over Nova's Spider Mines if they are killed when burrowed. However, enemy can't take over Raynor's Spider Mines.
Mutually Assured Destruction
Enemy Hybrid units detonate a Nuke upon death.
Hybrid Destroyers detonate a small nuke. The rest of hybrids detonate normal nukes.
Mirror images (P&P) don't detonate nukes.
There is 1s delay (2s if it's Nemesis Hybrid and Moebius Hybrid A - P&P).
Nukes do 750 (950 vs structure) damage.
Small Nuke does 100% in 2 radius, 50% in 2.5 and 25% in 3.
Normal Nuke does 100% in 4 radius, 50% in 6 and 25% in 8.
#39 Blast from the Past – SOLO ALL CLEAR
Mutators: Eminent Domain, Mutually Assured Destruction
https://youtu.be/p7c1ikjFHso (HH is invincible)
https://youtu.be/ZxuqOEcANvc (how to do the eminent domain cheese (basic))
https://youtu.be/a7M8LiI4K_s (how to do the eminent domain cheese (full))
https://youtu.be/sI3vaYw9k1w (advice, detailed explanation of the mutation and a theory on why the air hybrids wander off)
Eminent domain: if a building blocks Amon’s path, it won’t get taken over.
Hybrid reaver = much more difficult than others
For duos: Swann p1 + anyone
For solo queue: Dehaka, Tychus, HH
Successes [and key points]
https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL3FSCru5EHIj7PVIo_tlCheKqWci99G_f (playlist with all commanders)
Questions about any of these runs are welcome. Runs will be uploaded throughout the week. All members get early access to videos.
Nice people in my discord can help you with the mutation: https://discord.gg/WerduSFQQK